80 Pages / Seiten
A5 Portrait
Softcover, Klebebindung
When SkoreTRC released his Lockdown Diary at the end of the first wave he never thought a year later we would still be in the same situation – but here we are.
The second and third lockdowns through the winter months were not the party that the first spring/summer lockdown had sometimes felt like.
For SkoreTRC the novelty had well and truly worn off but once again the ritual of painting fulfilled that creative release as well as being a great tonic for his mental health
The book includes a further 80 pieces of graffiti created by the artist during the UK’s 2nd and 3rd wave Lockdowns between July 2020 and March 2021.
As before the book also includes a timeline of the pandemic day by day as it happened and also includes full photo joiners of all the completed walls.