media_book_224.jpg Street Art: The Graffiti Revolution (2008)VorschaubilderSpraycan Art (1987) (Reprint 2003)Street Art: The Graffiti Revolution (2008)VorschaubilderSpraycan Art (1987) (Reprint 2003)Street Art: The Graffiti Revolution (2008)VorschaubilderSpraycan Art (1987) (Reprint 2003)Street Art: The Graffiti Revolution (2008)VorschaubilderSpraycan Art (1987) (Reprint 2003)
Title: Training Days - The Subway Artists then and now(2014)

Size: 16,8 x 2 x 21,8 cm

Pages: 176

ISBN: 978-0500239216
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