Joy perished in style and emerged from her chrysalis as ‚Frau Isa’.
This major change in Isas life as an artist calls for celebration and so it will be revelled with a big kick-off show! On March the 10th, her new artworks will be shown and at the 4e7 studio in Vienna.
If you are not able to come by and party with her in person, you will find all the impressions on, Flickr and facebook!
Rabbit Eye Movement presents… VIDEO!
10. März
19 Uhr
Schmalzhofgasse 1b
1060 Wien
Photo Blog
Line Updates
25.12.2024 – Steiermark Line Update (97 Photos by JdPK)
25. Dezember 2024
na endlich hat der nychos eine seelenverwandte die genauso wenig graffiti ist wie er…